About Us

Loud FAiTH
If you believe it say it, live it, wear it.


Loud FAiTH was inspired by the desire to share the Gospel the way Jesus did, through stories and conversation. Loud FAiTH designs are created with the specific purpose of provoking questions. The designs will encourage conversation from those who see you wearing them. What better way is there to share the power of Christ in your life than through conversation, exchange and dialogue. There is no need for judging others. Jesus said so in Matthew 7:1. The best way to attract anyone into the Kingdom for the long term is through the love, grace and mercy of God. Being a vehicle of God’s love, mercy and grace is so attractive.
What is Loud FAiTH?
According to merriam-webster.com dictionary,
Definition of LOUD (adjective \laud\)
1 a) marked by intensity or volume of sound
   b) producing a loud sound
2 clamorous, noisy
3 obtrusive or offensive in appearance or smell: obnoxious
 The Loud in Loud FAiTH is a paradox. The only relationship it has to the above definition is the word "intensity", Loud FAiTH = Intense Faith. Intense in the sense that you are filled and overflowing with God's love, grace and mercy. The Loud in Loud FAiTH is characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control, the Fruit of the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control.
Against such there is no law.
Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV) defines FAITH as;
11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
       The FAiTH in Loud FAiTH is characterized by patience, hope, confidence and humility. Seeing others, the way Christ sees them. Of all these characteristics, humility is the most elusive among Christians. No wonder many non-Christians view most Christians as self-righteous. Self-righteousness is when you see yourself as better than others. That is "Pharasititis", the disease of the Pharisees. Loud Faith-ers are free and healed of "Pharasititis". They do not judge, and they do not compare themselves to others. They know that without Jesus they would be nothing.
         The Loud FAiTH tagline is "If you believe it say it, live it, wear it". As a Loud Faith-er You say it. you say what you believe the way Jesus did, in love, with joy, in peace, with patience, in kindness, with goodness, in faith, in humility and with self-control. You live it. You strive to live to the best of your ability what you profess in Christ. You wear it. Wearing it is symbolic in that when people see or interact with you, they experience Christ through you.
         How did Jesus do it (HDJDI)? The most powerful question you should ask daily in your journey as an evangelist. If you are a Christian, you are an evangelist. So, do it how Jesus did it. Share the good news in love. The first two commandments God gave us were those of love.
          Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:1-4 (NKJV) that you can have all the spiritual qualities and gifts but without love you have nothing. So, sharing the word in love is the best way. As you engage others who are interested in what you are wearing remember that Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings Revelation 17:14. Loud FAiTH declares that “Jesus and only Jesus is Lord™” (JAOJIL™).  Jesus did not command us to convince others, He asked us to just share the good news. He in essence said, don’t take it personal, just share the good news, the gospel.
Matthew 10:14 (NKJV)
And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.
        Join Loud FAiTH in the movement to share the Love of God and the Power of Jesus through conversation. Conversation inspired by what we wear. As a part of fashion, the words we wear communicate where we stand. When you take a stand, people want to hear from you. Our mission at Loud FAiTH is to provide you with words that reflect where you stand so you can start that life changing conversation.
If you believe it say it, live it, wear it.